By D. Bucholtz
Are Mobile Apps Just a Fad?
June 14, 2012
I have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of people on a daily basis and everyone I talk to (that doesn't already know me) wants to know specifically what our company does.
As the buzz of 'mobile apps' continues to grow, and I explain to people what our company does - what I hear over and over again is "I don't need one of those". This comment, of course, forces me to ask what people know about mobile apps. The resounding result of this answer is usually that people don't understand the technology and what it brings to the table.
Let's face it - Mobile apps for businesses are relatively new but what's happening now is no different from when websites became all the rage. And look what happened with that! Who do you know that's in business and doesn't have a web site? And today, a web site isn't even enough. You need a business Facebook fan page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
Right now, in 2012, we are just beginning to scratch the surface of mobile app technology and growth. Multiple predictions are that mobile apps will outnumber personal computers by 2015 by 4 to 1. That is pretty astounding but it shouldn't be. Look around you - we are in a completely mobile society. We want information instantly accessible, no matter where we are. I recently attended a networking meeting of about 100 people. As the speakers were in the from of the room giving their speeches, what I noticed as I looked around was the number of people that were using their phones. While I won't get into the etiquette of using your phone while people are speaking - what I will tell you is that I was completely shocked at just how many people were typing away on their smart phones, tweeting comments on the screen behind the speakers and so on.
So where does mobile marketing come into the mix?
Consider this. There are billions of smart phone users who have their phones on or near them 24/7. With mobile marketing you have the opportunity to have each of these users carry around your company brochure 24 hours a day. The opportunity to get your business name and/or brand in front of billions of people 24 hours a day is priceless!
So anyone that thinks that mobile marketing with an app is a fad should probably think again. Mobile apps are not going anywhere! So get on the train before it pulls out of the station without you!
Are Mobile Apps Just a Fad?:
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